NEWS FEATURESA Message from NAIOP President Dan MetzgerSubmitted by NAIOP President Dan Metzger, Published March 2024
Three main benefits that NAIOP brings to the table are networking (as I discussed above), education, and advocacy. On the education side, I am thrilled with the cutting-edge educational programs that NAIOP-Colorado delivers throughout the year, whether that be our various state-of-the-market and forecast breakfasts, our 22nd annual Rocky Mountain Real Estate Challenge in May which will feature Victory Crossing in Commerce City, or our multiple property tour events. In a down market, staying current market trends and opportunities is critical, and NAIOP Colorado delivers this content to you. These educational events are pertinent not only to our members who concentrate on office and industrial, as this organization has historically been focused, but also to our members who focus on retail, hotel, or (like me) multifamily, among others. As NAIOP’s membership has continued to diversify our target product types, the organization’s programming has likewise expanded to meet these needs. The last, and certainly not the least, benefit that NAIOP Colorado brings to your membership is legislative advocacy. I have since witnessed how critical this leg of the NAIOP stool is to protect our industry from legislation that, while has good intentions, may not work from a practical standpoint, and threatens to make developing and owning real estate ever more challenging. The last few years, NAIOP Colorado has advocated for you on many issues, and we have had some major successes, but it has felt like we are always playing defense because we have limited resources. A priority for me and the board of directors this year is to increase our legislative fundraising efforts so that we have the tools at our disposal to properly advocate for our members. When you see legislative funding requests from NAIOP Colorado in 2024, know that we are working on very targeted measures to protect and benefit you, our membership. We need you now more than ever, both on the fundraising side and the volunteer side. I’m a big believer in getting the most out of an organization by getting involved on a committee, as that is where you get to build strong relationships with fellow committee members, and you see how your volunteer work can make a positive impact on the industry. Our amazing committees include: We also have special committees that include: I am truly honored to serve as NAIOP President in 2024, and I can’t thank Caitlin Quander enough for the amazing job she did as President in 2023. I look forward to continuing to strengthen many of those NAIOP-created friendships that I mentioned earlier, and gaining new ones, in 2024 and beyond! Seize the Opportunity: Become a Mentor or Mentee in the 2024 DL Mentor ProgramPublished March 2024 We’re excited for this year’s NAIOP Mentorship Program, which will kick off with the opening of mentee applications in early March 2024. This program continues to be the premier CRE Mentorship program in Denver, with many of the industry’s most prolific professionals serving as mentors. In 2023, the program had a record number of applications and ultimately included 24 mentor/mentee pairs. Participants come from all lines of business including development, finance, leasing, brokerage, law, architecture, and more. The 7-month program will feature several structured group events, with individual / group mentorship meetings taking place outside of the group events. The extended deadline for all 2024 Mentee Applications is April 5th. Visit for more details or contact Blaire Butler or Annie Arnwine with any questions!
Get What You GivePublished March 2024
Becoming a member of an industry organization like NAIOP Colorado is a good start for any commercial real estate professional, but there is so much more at your fingertips once you are in the door. Just being a member is not nearly as important as being involved. Sure, you can go to the happy hours and maybe some of the bigger events a few times a year, but to truly maximize your return, active participation is essential. I tell people NAIOP is a “get what you give” type of organization. I have been a member for the better part of a decade and from the beginning, I looked at my involvement in NAIOP as an all-in proposition. Commercial Real Estate is at its core a relationship business. The more people you know, the better, but more importantly, the more people that know you, and have seen what you can do for an organization as a volunteer, is where the true value comes from. I have built some amazing relationships in my time at NAIOP working alongside CRE professionals working towards the same goal of building a better organization for the future and effecting positive change for our industry. I wanted to give you some of the options available if you want to get more involved in the organization, so here is a rundown of the various committees and ways to get involved. Developing Leaders: Our DLs are the future leaders and producers of the industry, only they are just getting started in building their network and learning their craft. The DLs are our version of the young professionals, anyone age 35 and under is welcome to be a member and participate in the committee/subcommittees. The DLs meet once a month to put on DL centric events like Skiing with the Icons, the Real Estate on the Rocks happy hours, Project Tours and other educational and networking activities. The DLs represent about a third of our total membership, floating around 200 young professionals building their networks and honing their skills. Programs Committee: One of the hallmarks of NAIOP Colorado are the myriad of project tours, events and other CRE-centric programming put on by this committee. There is a tremendous amount of planning and coordination that goes into events that can see up to 600 people in attendance and the Programs Committee is who does all of this work. The brainstorming and creation of these events is one of my favorite parts of being involved in this committee. You get a voice in the programming and direction of the events put on by the organization. There are also several events that are so large that they need their own committee, which includes Fight Night, Awards Night, Golf Tournament and the Rocky Mountain Real Estate Challenge. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: A few years ago, the board of NAIOP Colorado wanted to explore ways to diversify the membership of our organization by enacting several different things to attract a more diverse audience. To their credit, this conversation started quite a bit earlier than the term DEI became part of the national lexicon, so we had a pretty good jump on growing a more diverse membership. Our dedicated DEI committee has several different programs, including our local partnership with Project Destined to participate in and have your ideas included. Membership Committee: Our membership committee is where we recruit, retain and engage our members. This committee is a phenomenal choice for anyone in a business development role or wants to meet as many of the members as possible. The committee is also involved in several early recruitment measures, such as our University Outreach programs every fall where we put on a panel for students at CU and DU to highlight the various career paths in CRE. I have always enjoyed that part of this committee, especially when I see a student from several years prior at a NAIOP networking event and get to hear about where they ended up after graduation. Engagement and Communications: We do so many great things at NAIOP Colorado, but we noticed several years ago that we needed a better way to communicate these things to our members. A lot of the prior communications, like social media and email campaigns came from the membership committee. So, if we were going to expand this effort, we needed a true marketing firm inside the organization, thus was born the Engagement committee. This is where you get to create innovative ideas and help spread the word of the important things we are doing. The newsletter and social media presence is the focus of this committee and a way to hit two different committees in one, as the committee has liaisons on the other committees to help translate and communicate what other committees are up to. Public Policy Committee: Arguably the most important part of NAIOP is our voice and lobbying efforts on various legislative items that affect our industry. All the networking and events are great, but where NAIOP really has an affect is being our industry’s voice in local and national government. We can look back and list several high-profile legislative initiatives where our Legislative committee had a real voice and a real impact on legislation that would have had serious negative impacts on our industry. From the Green Roof Initiative to Tax Policy to the latest energy efficiency requirements, our voice was heard, and you can be a part of that voice on this committee. These are the main ones, but there are a many one-off committees and other parts of the organization where you can get involved. I would suggest reaching out to me, Brandon Kramer, or the various chairs of these committees to learn more. After all, if you are a member, why not get more by giving more?
Engagement & Communications: Thank You Shane Mahoney & Welcome Buzz MillerPublished December 2023 A Note From Shane Mahoney, NAIOP Engagement & Communications Chair, 2021-2023
As the committee has evolved my favorite part has been the “Member Intersections” features. I’ve gotten to know many of our members in ways you just don’t see professionally. Yes, we are all here to work and have professional success, but we are also diverse individuals with various passions work affords us the opportunity to pursue. I am proud to have been given the opportunity to shepherd this committee into existence. I am also excited to hand off the reins to Buzz Miller, incoming Chair. New perspectives and ideas will benefit everyone. Thank you again to NAIOP for the opportunity to be of service. From Buzz Miller, Incoming Engagement & Communications Chair | Stream Realty Partners I cannot begin this message without an expression of gratitude to Shane Mahoney for his outstanding leadership as the Chair of the Engagement and Communications committee. Shane, your dedication to amplifying the missions and accomplishments of NAIOP Colorado and its members has not gone unnoticed. We appreciate the significant contributions you've made during your tenure. The evolution of the committee reflects our commitment to aligning with NAIOP's strategic goals and underscores the collective effort that has driven momentum. The "Member Intersections" features have indeed provided a unique insight into the diverse passions of our members, showcasing the multifaceted nature of our industry professionals beyond their roles. We look forward to continued opportunities to showcase NAIOP members in order to build the community and its value from both a personal and professional standpoint. As we transition the reins, this committee continues to welcome fresh perspectives, efforts and ideas. Let me re-state that: The Engagement and Communications Committee is actively recruiting new members! If you’ve been looking for a way to be more involved with NAIOP, grow your network, or any of this message has struck a cord, we would love to get you involved! Tremendous momentum has been created and we are eager for the opportunity to propel it forward. Click Here to join now. Shane, on behalf of the entire Engagement & Communications committee, NAIOP Board Members and staff, thank you for your service and leadership.
10th Anniversary NAIOP Fight Night Results and HighlightsSubmitted by Brandon Kramer, Fight Night 2023 Co-Chair, Marcus & Millichap - November 2023 Eleven years ago, NAIOP Colorado Board Member Chris King of DPC Companies attended a unique NAIOP event in Phoenix, sparking the inspiration to bring the concept to Denver. The NAIOP Arizona Chapter had successfully hosted a black-tie boxing event for years, and Chris saw the potential for similar success in our city. What began as an experiment to put the “fun” back into NAIOP events following the Great Recession, has since evolved into one of the standout events on Colorado’s commercial real estate industry calendar. A few years into its creation, NAIOP Colorado partnered with Denver Children’s Foundation (DCF, formerly Denver Active 20-30) to infuse a charitable aspect, and together, we have raised $300,000 for at-risk youth over the years. Commenting on the success Fight Night 2023, DCF President Beau Jenkins, expressed gratitude, stating, “Thank you to NAIOP Colorado and its members and guests for an amazing 2023 Fight Night – and for an impactful partnership spanning over 10 years, generating over $250,000 to transform the lives of youth in our community. As always, Fight Night was a knockout!” Our 10th Anniversary NAIOP Fight Night this past November at ReelWorks Denver, proved to be the biggest yet! Despite the looming recession, the event sold out, and we raised more money for charity than ever before. The Real Estate Ringers, or industry bouts, featured fair matchups that all went to decision. Recognizing the importance of our commercial real estate industry boxing talent, we have implemented measures to not only sustain their training but also ensure compliance with the boxing commission rules regarding weight and safety. The combined efforts by boxing promoter Jim “Smitty” Smith of Poor Boys Boxing and countless individuals who serve as boxer support have excelled in communication and motivation, contributing significantly to the overall success of the event. We could not have predicted such a great outcome for Fight Night on every level. While there cannot be two winners in every fight, in our eyes every boxer that steps into the ring on Fight Night is a champion. Their commitment and grit to dedicate three months of one’s life to training and stepping into the ring in front of their industry peers is commendable. NAIOP extends our heartfelt thanks to all fighters, past and present, for their contributions to both the event and the charity. Those amateur "Real Estate Ringer" bouts included: Laura Farrar of CBRE vs. Marybeth Austin with D.A. Davidson; Aaron Boyd of DPC Companies vs. Albie Sherman representing Westside Investment Partners; Michael Harpole of CBRE vs. Rycherd Lott from Gage Commercial Construction; and Connor Haney with Venture Architecture vs. Kevin Woolsey of Kaufman Hagan Commercial Real Estate. The support of our sponsors, particularly title sponsors - CoStar Group, LoopNet, and Ten-X – have been instrumental in making this possible. We extend our sincere appreciation for their continued support, and we look forward to seeing them again next year! Watch the 10th Anniversary Fight Night Celebration video now on our NAIOP YouTube page now OR view and share event pictures. Think you have the skills and moxie to battle out in the ring for Fight Night 2024? Contact any one of us to learn more and join NAIOP Colorado’s Real Estate Ringer Royalty today:
Winter Classic Curling & Hockey Contributes to the KidsSubmitted by Matt Lengel, Denver Private Wealth Management - November 2023 The 8th annual NAIOP Curling event was a success! We had over sixteen teams compete for the highly sought after NAIOP Curling trophy. The theme for the event this year was “college throwback” with everyone repping their alma mater gear. A lot of schools were represented, but none more than CU and CSU! The sixteen teams were split between two different flights with Team Brinkmann Construction winning the first flight and Team Walker Dunlop winning the second flight. We’d like to give a huge shoutout to Majestic Realty Co. for sponsoring the event and David Hadsell and the Denver Curling Club for their continued support – we couldn’t do it without them! Similar to past years, all proceeds from the Winter Classic Curling and Hockey events have been donated to Children's Hospital Colorado Pediatric Cancer Research. We are proud report that over $11,000 was contributed to help fund the research and help give kids their future back.
Cherry Creek Denver Walking Tour 2023Submitted by Katie Burns, Senior Transaction Manager, JLL Thank you to all 229 guests who attended the NAIOP Walking Tour of Cherry Creek in early October, where we had the pleasure of exploring five incredible stops. From the impressive 200 Clayton and 250 Clayton buildings, developed by Broe Real Estate Group, to the vibrant Cherry Creek West showcased by East West Partners, and the elegant 320 Fillmore by Midwest Property Group, Ltd., the tour was a great way to get out and see the Real Estate firsthand.
We also had the opportunity to learn about the exciting developments at 2nd & Steele, presented by PMG | Property Markets Group, and the impressive 201 Fillmore project by Schnitzer West and Brue Baukol Capital Partners. Altus Properties fascinated us with their 2nd & Josephine development, while Magnetic Capital showcased their vision at 2nd & Adams, looking forward to their rooftop restaurant. The networking opportunities during the tour were invaluable, fostering collaboration, partnership, and growth within Denver's vibrant commercial real estate community. We look forward to seeing everyone at the next tour, where we can continue to explore extraordinary properties, gain insights, and witness the ongoing development of Denver. Cherry Creek, with its impressive 95% occupancy rate, stands as a testament to its thriving real estate market. We hope that the rest of the Denver market can strive to achieve similar success or catch up to the high demand experienced in Cherry Creek. Special shoutout to Jamie Gard and Pete Staab with Newmark, along with their marketing team for their support in coordinating the event. This event would not have happened without their efforts and those of our NAIOP Programs volunteers Nick Kitaeff with Confluent Development, Joe Zanone with Zanone Project Management, and Hillary Ellis with Polsinelli, PC for their leadership. Click Here to View and Share the 2023 Cherry Creek Walking Tour Photos. Fall Resiliency and Repositioning Series SummarySubmitted by Owin Orr, Real Capital Solutions – November 2023 The 2023 NAIOP Fall Education Series shifted our focus from last year's "How to Survive and Thrive during a Recession" to the exciting realm of "Resiliency and Repositioning" in the commercial real estate landscape. While a full-blown recession hasn't quite materialized as anticipated, the commercial real estate industry has faced unique deal-making challenges. To shed light on innovative approaches to enhancing distressed assets, we assembled a panel of prominent figures from Denver's commercial real estate sector across several asset classes. They shared their experiences and insights on transforming these assets in terms of profitability, sustainability, community impact, and economic growth. Our three-part series covered multifamily, commercial, and hospitality segments, each offering a unique perspective. A common thread in these discussions is a commitment to preserving architectural integrity, creating value, and overcoming the myriad of challenges inherent in these endeavors.
The inaugural event of the 2023 NAIOP Fall Education Series delved into the transformation of office spaces into multifamily residences. A diverse panel of experts led the discussion, including City of Denver representatives, Gensler architects, Nichols Partnership developers, and Downtown Denver Partnership economic development specialists. A highlight of the event was the introduction of the City of Denver's Pilot Adaptive Reuse Program, targeting the rejuvenation of the upper downtown area. Additionally, Gensler presented findings from a comprehensive Office to Multifamily Conversion Feasibility Survey, offering insights into ideal building vintages, layouts, and major conversion-related challenges. Nichols Partnership shared a compelling case study of their Art Studio Lofts project, addressing significant hurdles such as asbestos abatement and the modernization of building systems to meet current code compliance. The panel collectively provided recommendations and innovative solutions for Office to Multifamily Conversions, providing practical and instructive takeaways for urban development and real estate professionals. In the 3rd and final session of the series, the panel focused on hospitality and experiential retail. A collaborative panel with representatives from Sage Hospitality, JNS Architecture + Interior Design, Mortenson, and BOSS Architecture talked about key considerations in adaptive reuse conversions to hospitality and highlighted several projects, one of which was Union Station. Sage, JNS, and BOSS, who all worked on this project, shed light on the vision of the conversion, how the bidding process came about, and why the CEO of Sage had to travel twice to Washington DC to discuss the project with the National Trust for Historic Presentation. Another project spotlight was the Slate Hotel, an adaptive reuse of the Emily Griffith school. Mortenson described how the configuration of the building drove the project having roughly a dozen room floorplans and the main entrance having to be interior to the site. Outside of specific projects, the panel also delved into the design feasibility process, evaluating the “bones” of a building, understanding the property’s registered “use,” and the importance of using the building’s history to curate the ultimate customer experience. Again for 2023, the Chapter’s Developing Leaders (DL) members coordinated the series which was hosted by Lincoln Property Company at Colorado Center. Sincerest thanks to those DL committee volunteers William Lam, Owin Orr, Blaire Butler and Olivia Fortunato.
Insights from Top CRE Performers: Current Market Conditions and Future OutlookSubmitted by Shane Mahoney - June 2023, Published August 2023 To help keep a pulse on current conditions, NAIOP Colorado decided to ask the top performers from the Chapter’s 2022 Broker Awards what market conditions they are seeing right now and where they see things heading. Here is what those teams and individuals shared with us.
U.S. Senator Hickenlooper Meets with MembersSubmitted by Matt Lengel, May 2023 - Published August 2023 NAIOP had the pleasure of hosting Senator John Hickenlooper on April 10th, 2023, in an intimate setting at Lowe’s building in the Denver Tech Center. The event is part of NAIOP’s new “Select Speaker” series where the organization highlights prominent members of the community to speak on a range of topics that affect our membership. This specific conversation with Senator Hickenlooper was a “fireside chat” format with Matt Lengel moderating the discussion. As a refresher, Senator Hickenlooper has held a variety of high-ranking public positions in the state of Colorado. He had an a-typical path to public service. In a past life, he was a real estate investor, geologist, brewer of beer, and Denver businessman before he became Denver’s 43rd mayor. He served eight years as the Mayor of Denver before being elected as the 42nd Governor of Colorado, serving in this role from 2011-2019 before eventually becoming a Federal Senator representing the state of Colorado.
Matt asked the Senator a wide range of questions from transportation, economic development in the state of Colorado, immigration, tax policy, and much more. Due to the relaxed environment, Senator Hickenlooper was rather “accessible” in his answers, and it felt like an open and honest discussion. The intimacy of the event gave the audience the ability to ask questions and be heard before having a “meet & greet” with the Senator for about 45 minutes after the Q&A wrapped up. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to board member Mara Fabian with Lowe for providing the space for the event and Matt Lengel with Denver Private Wealth Management for using his connections to land the Senator and moderating the event. We hope to see you at the next “Select Speaker” series! If you believe you have someone worthy of being featured in the “Select Speaker” series, please reach out to Brandon Kramer, Matt Lengel, or Nick Kitaeff. Expand Your Network. Join NAIOP’s Membership Committee!Submitted by Brandon Kramer, May 2023 - Published August 2023 The Membership Committee of NAIOP Colorado is looking for member volunteers to join our ranks! This committee is tasked with the recruitment, welcoming and onboarding of the 600+ member organization. It is a phenomenal committee for anyone looking to connect with our membership on a deeper level and help foster the relationships NAIOP is built upon. Serving on membership is especially great for any of our members in business development roles at their companies, who would benefit from communicating with our members, especially the new members! Being on the committee is a great excuse to introduce yourself to members and prospects you don’t already know. The group meets every month over the lunch hour and attends most of our events to help drive membership forward. Please contact Brandon Kramer, Steve Scrivener, or Jayma File for more information.
Opus Foursome Wins NAIOP Golf ClassicPublished August 2023 Opus Development Company's foursome of Joe Swensson, Randy Danielson, Nic Carter and Daniel Close won 1st place at the NAIOP Colorado "90s" Golf Classic in late June at Fossil Trace Golf Course in Golden. Finishing second was the Land Title foursome of Luke Davidson, James McGill, Chris Schultz and Tyler Ryon, and the third-place team representing Kimley-Horn included Emily Felton, Willie Konishi, Dennis Sobieski and Coy Williams. The "most honest team of the day" award went to Megan Kranichfeld and CJ Manning with Prime West and Peter Beugg and Blake McVean for Stream Realty Partners. In other action, James McGill sunk a hole-in-one PCL Construction's par-3 and the longest drive winners included Andy Miles and Emily Felton. TJ Carvis and Megan Kranichfeld took home closest to the pin prizes from Galloway. Thanks to the players and sponsors, the tournament raised $3,000 in mulligan sales for the NAIOP Corporate PAC and funded another $3,000 Student Scholarship for the NAIOP and Project Destined Bridge Program by betting the "Hole Hecklers" sponsored by Flash Parking. Small Giants captured all the action on the course, while other supporting sponsors provided giveaways, beverages and more throughout the tournament day - Opus Development Company, Murray & Stafford, Polsinelli, PC, The Weitz Company, Ryan Companies, Studio 10, CBRE, CoStar Group, Fidelity National Title National Commercial Services, First American Title-NCS, LBA Realty, Moss Adams, Moye White LLP, Stewart Title, Transwestern, and Vari. Congratulations to the 2023 Developing Leaders (DL) Golf volunteers for planning a fun filled day: Ben Gosz, Braden Demmerly, Henry Holmes, John Rayburn, Josh Valdivia-McDonald, Blaire Butler, and Arthur Heldt.
To view all the photos from the action-packed golf tournament, Click Here. |